BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 Configuration Guide

Configuring vault settings

The settings of a vault determine some of its basic functionality that applies to all documents within the vault, regardless of their document type. The entire configuration of a vault is also known as its environment.

To configure a vault’s settings:

  1. In Configurator, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Vault Settings. The vault’s settings appear in property pages in the right pane.
  2. On the General page, the properties in the following table are read-only and cannot be edited in Configurator.
  1. Click the Edit button to make changes.
  2. On the General page, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

    Vault general options
    Option Description

    Vault name

    The name of the vault as it appears to users. Read-only.

    Environment revision

    The revision number of the vault’s configuration data. This property can be useful for tracking and documenting changes that are made to the vault’s configuration. Read-only.

    Server name

    The name of the computer where the BlueCielo EDM Server service is running. Read-only.

    EDM Server revision

    The revision number of the BlueCielo EDM Server service software. Read-only.

    Shared folder

    The name of the share on the server where user interface extensions are stored. Read-only.

    After importing documents

    Select an option for the initial state of documents after they have been imported into the vault.

    Set state to Under Quick Change: The documents must be released from the Quick Change workflow before their status is Released.

    Set state to Unchanged: The documents are not in a workflow. The Unchanged status is equivalent to Released except that it does not result from a workflow.

    Set state to Under Change: The documents must be released from their document type workflow before their status is Released.

    Use document type security

    Select this option to restrict user access to specific document types. For information on security roles, see Understanding security roles.

    Use renditions

    Enable this option if documents in this vault will be rendered or published by BlueCielo Publisher. This option enables the rendition features in the client applications.

    Note    To specify the default file extension of documents to import as renditions of existing documents during drag-and-drop operations, set the DefaultRenditionExtension setting to the file extension, for example, .pdf. This setting can be configured in the [Vault] section of the Application Integration settings as described in Configuring Managed Change.

  3. Type or select options on the Redline Layers page as described in Creating and editing redline layers.
  4. Type or select options on the Page Styles page as described in Editing page styles.
  5. Type or select options on the Duplicator page as described in Configuring the assembly options.
  6. Type or select options on the Extensions page as described in Applying extensions to a vault.
  7. Type or select options on the following pages as described in Configuring column layouts:

    • Folders View Columns
    • My Working Copies View Columns
    • Search Result Columns
    • Preferred for Search
    • Project Copies Columns
    • Revisions Dialog Columns
    • Archive Columns
  8. Type settings on the Settings page as required for your vault customization. Settings should use the same hierarchical structure and syntax as the pages in the Application Link Settings group of the Environment branch. That is, settings grouped into sections that are defined like [<SECTIONNAME>].The settings can be read with the VBScript Vault.Option property as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference. The settings can only be edited using Meridian Enterprise Configurator.
  9. Click the OK button to save your changes.